Project Description
Dutch Railway Marketleader opts for sustainable retaining walls made of self-healing concrete
ProRail wants to have the Infrastructure realized in a sustainable manner and keep it durable. Sustainability is an important aspect for ProRail in the performance of its social tasks. This means that sustainable development is stimulated in the chain where possible, for example by stimulating sustainable use of materials during the realization of a project.
Due to the inaccessibility of the construction in the future, the precast elements of this project were applied for with Self-Healing Concrete from Basilisk to ensure the long-term durability and durability of the construction. The Self-Healing Agent adds self-healing properties to concrete. The technology consists of an autonomous recovery system of microorganisms (friendly bacteria) that produce limestone and thereby repair cracks in a watertight manner, without any form of human labor. Because concrete cracks have now been repaired in time, the major repairs resulting from late intervention are prevented. In addition, this technology ensures significantly less maintenance, a longer life and a watertight construction of the concrete.
Since today a large part of the cement in the concrete mix is replaced by slag and blast furnace cement, concrete has lost its autogenous healing capacity. With the use of Basilisk in the concrete, these properties are back and the healing capacity is even increased considerably, which makes an important contribution to a sustainable concrete industry.

For questions regarding this article, please get it touch with Marc Brants: