Waterproof concrete, directly from the concrete plant
Basilisk Self-Healing Concrete is a waterproof concrete based on crack filling micro-organisms
Waterproof concrete for water retaining structures
Less repairs, longer service life
Save up to 40% shrinkage reinforcement due to waterproof properties
1. Waterproof concrete
Basilisk Self-Healing Concrete seals cracks in concrete waterproof. This creates waterproof concrete, a coating or waterproof membrane is no longer necessary. No additional actions or materials are required to make the self-healing concrete waterproof. Waterproofing simply becomes a property of self-healing concrete when Basilisk Healing Agent is added to the concrete mix, already at the concrete plant.
2. Less repairs with waterproof concrete
Concrete with ‘Basilisk Healing Agent’ is waterproof and ensures autonomous crack repair, eliminating unforeseen costs and time-consuming injection work. When a crack develops, it heals itself. Without human intervention! This means waterproof concrete saves you money on maintenance costs.
3. Reducing shrinkage reinforcment with waterproof concrete
Self-healing concrete is waterproof and due to these waterproof properties, you can save up to approximately 40% on shrinkage reinforcement. In this project case we explain how this works and what advantages are. If you want to save shrinkage reinforcement by using self-healing, waterproof concrete, this can easily be done, without deviating from the current standards or regulations.
This is how self-healing waterproof concrete works

1. Concrete cracks
Cracking is an accepted and common phenomenon in concrete structures.
2. Leakage & corrosion
However, cracked concrete may result in serious leakage and reinforcement corrosion issues.
3. Autonomous repair
When in contact with water, the bacteria will multiply and starts to produce limestone, making the concrete waterproof again.
4. Cracks are sealed
Due to the formation of limestone, cracks are autonomously repaired, preventing leakage and protecting the reinforcement.
Applications of self-healing waterproof concrete
Watertight self-healing concrete has the greatest added value in constructions where the watertightness of concrete is important. Such as concrete structures where seawater or groundwater often causes problems. Below are a number of examples of application with waterproof concrete.
Tunnels & Bridges
Basements & Diaphragm walls
Liquid-containing reservoirs
Flooring & Parking decks
Waste water treatment plants
Marine, Harbors & Airports

“Normally I would now have to call in a repair injection crew. Thanks to the Self-Healing capacity of the concrete, this is no longer necessary”
Watertanks at Evides with waterproof concrete from Basilisk
As part of the expansion project of a wastewater treatment plant in The Netherland, the new tanks were executed with Self-Healing Concrete. Shortly after installation, the first shrinkage cracks and therewith leakages appeared.
After a short period of about 10 weeks, the cracks are sealed and waterproof. Completely in line with waterproofing requirements, and without additional repair works such as injection.