Basilisk Healing Agent
Admixture for self-healing concrete mixtures
With Basilisk Healing Agent, any concrete mix can easily be converted to a concrete with self-healing properties. Basilisk Healing Agent is a bio-based granular additive that repairs cracks in concrete and makes it waterproof. It autonomously fills crack widths up to 1 mm with limestone.
The use of self-healing concrete has many advantages. The main advantages are:
- Waterproof concrete
- Shrinkage reinforcement reduction
- Reduced CO2 footprint concrete
- Less maintenance, longer service life
Self-healing concrete works with limestone-producing micro-organisms. Read more about how this proven technology works here.
Brochure Basilisk Healing Agent
All benefits of Basilisk Healing Agent for concrete
Watertight concrete
Self-healing concrete seals cracks. This saves the costs for special coatings or waterproof membranes. Furthermore, there are no additional costs for injection works to repair cracks that appear before delivery of the project.
40% less shrinkage reinforcement needed
Due to the self-healing properties, larger crack widths can be accepted in the design. As a result, approximately 40% less shrinkage reinforcement is required. In addition to environmental and cost benefits, this also minimizes the risk of rock pockets.
30-50% CO2 footprint reduction concrete
Self-healing concrete with a longer design life, without membranes and with less shrinkage reinforcement, will result in significant savings on the CO2 footprint.
Less maintenance & shorter downtime
Concrete structures with Basilisk Healing Agent require less maintenance and have a shorter downtime. Therefore, it’s specifically suitable for structures where crack formation adds up to the maintenance requirements.
Extends service life
Adding self-healing properties to concrete increases its quality and durability performance, resulting in lower Life Cycle Costs.
Autonomous Repair System
Concrete with Basilisk Healing Agent can repair its own cracks without any human interaction.
Heals cracks up to 1 mm
Basilisk Healing Agent seals cracks up to 1 mm crack-width (depends on dosage).
Project case: the Hulstkamp building
A distinctive reference project is the Hulstkamp building. During the renovation of this building, Basilisk Healing Agent was used in the basement construction, which is used as a parking garage. As a result, the concrete is watertight and it is possible to save approximately 35% on shrinkage reinforcement. Saving on shrinkage reinforcement cuts CO2 emissions allmost in half and leads to cost savings because less steel has is needed. The images below are from this project.

- Tunnels & Bridges
- Liquid-containing reservoirs
- Basements & Diaphragm walls
- Marine, Harbors & Airports
- Flooring & Parking decks
- Waste water treatment plants
Reduction of shrinkage reinforcement
When it comes to watertight structures, the maximum allowed crack-width is determined by water tightness requirements rather than durability requirements. The additional need for crack-width reduction results in a large increase of shrinkage reinforcement. However, when adding Basilisk Healing Agent to the concrete mixture, the water tightness requirements are already being dealt with, reducing the need for shrinkage rebar up to 40%.
Ask us about the case study regarding the reduction of shrinkage reinforcement for a detailed example.
Protection against leakage and corrosion
The environmentally friendly bacteria from Basilisk Healing Agent will autonomously seal cracks with limestone up to 1 mm in width. Due to the compatibility of limestone and concrete, the structure is continuously protected against leakage. Crack-healing protects the reinforcement against corrosion. As a result, the durability of the structure is greatly increased.

Tailor made solutions
We offer our technical support for a custom design of your own self-healing concrete mix or special (spray) mortar. This mix-design will be tailor made and configured according to your project requirements.
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